Project Management for Students through Project-based Learning (5 Hours)

Project management encompasses a range of skills that are highly prized in the world today and include - research, collaboration, communication, leadership, problem-solving and cooperation. For the education system to truly fulfill its purpose of preparing students for a world that requires a mastery of such skills, teachers must be able to find ways to integrate project management training into their classrooms without disrupting the curricular learning. Keeping in view the challenges this poses, teachers are presented with project-based learning, as a means to successfully develop students' needed skills, while simultaneously keeping the focus on topics within the curriculum. The integration of projects into classroom teaching is based on the finding that, often the best way students learn is by doing. Teachers are provided with a range of examples and strategies, along with an in-depth view into the effective use of projects, and understanding of how they can influence student growth at every stage.
- Start ANY Time
- All ONLINE 24x7
- Complete ANY Time Over 1 Year
- Each Teacher Receives a Certificate of Completion
Pamela L.
Vonda B.
Debbie G.
Janice P.
Nicole S.