Bullying: Prevention and Policies for Schools (5 Hours)

Bullying is a form of aggressive behavior and can be either covert or overt in nature. Bullying incidents vary in their severity and impact. Most mild bullying behavior can be managed by the students themselves. More severe incidents may require intervention from teachers and other school staff. Therefore, schools have a valuable role in supporting students to develop effective ways to relate to others.
The aim of this online course is to enable teachers to build a school culture where bullying has no place, by modeling and fostering healthy social interactions among students. This course helps teachers to develop their understanding of bullying and gives them confidence to respond to and address it. The practical strategies in this course can be adapted by teachers to meet the specific needs of their individual classrooms. Teachers are empowered to prevent and respond to bullying effectively as part of promoting positive environments in which all students can learn and thrive.
- Start ANY Time
- All ONLINE 24x7
- Complete ANY Time Over 1 Year
- Each Teacher Receives a Certificate of Completion
Alissa V.
Sandra G.
Paula F.
Michelle H.
Kelly F.