School PD Requirements in North Carolina
What professional development requirements does a school in North Carolina need to meet?
According to the Senate Bill 476, public schools in North Carolina are required to implement a mental health policy that includes training for staff.

The plan must address a continuum of mental and social-emotional health supports that includes a mental health training program and a suicide risk referral protocol that are provided at no cost to employees. Initial training needs to be at least six hours of content and occur within the first six months of employment. There must be subsequent annual training of at least two hours.
A suicide risk referral protocol must be provided to school personnel who work directly with students (teachers, instructional support personnel, principals, and assistant principals; this term may also include, in the discretion of the PSU other school employees who work directly with students) in grades 6-12 (required) and K-5 (recommended).

PSUs are strongly encouraged to include universal social and emotional learning strategies in their mental health plans.
DPI will develop a model mental health training program for K-12 PSUs that is provided to school personnel who work with students in grades K-12 and address the following topics: Youth mental health, suicide prevention, substance abuse, teen dating violence, and child sexual abuse and trafficking prevention.
All school personnel who work with students in grades K-12 shall receive two hours of child sexual abuse and sex trafficking training in even-numbered years beginning in 2020.
The mental and social-emotional health and substance use training plan will target teachers, instructional support personnel, principals, and assistant principals; it may also include, in the discretion of the PSU, other school employees who work directly with students in grades K-12. This training may be provided by professional learning vendors.
Beginning in the 2021-2022 school year, each public school unit (PSU), including traditional PSU schools, charter schools, regional schools, laboratory schools, and high schools under the control of The University of North Carolina, shall provide to students in grades 6 – 12 information on child abuse and neglect, including age-appropriate information on sexual abuse.
According to NC legislation, information regarding the local policy against bullying or harassing behavior shall be incorporated into a school’s employee training program.

How do I contact the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction?
Contact the NCDPI
301 N. Wilmington Street
Raleigh, NC 27601-2825
(919) 807-3300

Disclaimer: Please ensure the information and courses meet requirements for your school and circumstances and align with what your state Department of Education requires. The new continuing education information and school PD requirements in North Carolina listed on this page are current as of August 7th, 2023 to meet the best information available. State professional development requirements and may change and it is your responsibility as a school administrator to know your state staff development requirements and the process for submission and approval of all professional and staff development hours. Professional Learning Board can not guarantee acceptance by your school, district, state Department of Education or local authority.