School PD Requirements in Illinois
What professional development requirements does a school in Illinois need to meet?
Schools in IL have many recommended and mandated trainings for teachers and staff, including:
- ADD/ADHD training at least once every two years for all licensed school personnel and administrators.

- Bullying Prevention training for all school personnel.
- Mental Illness and Suicidal Behavior training at least every two years during an in-service training program. Licensed personnel and administrators may present a certificate of successful completion of a third-party training program.
- Annual Implicit Bias Training during in-service training for all school personnel. This is training to develop cultural competency, including understanding and reducing implicit racial bias.

- The district must make reasonable effort to provide ongoing Student Discipline Training PD (also known as Student Attendance and Engagement) for teachers, administrators, school board members, school resource officers, and staff. The training includes effective classroom management strategies and culturally responsive discipline.
- Educator Ethics at least once every two years for all school personnel. Training pertains to educator ethics, teacher-student conduct, and school employee-student conduct.
- Short-Term Substitute Teacher Training for individuals who hold a Short-Term Substitute Teaching License. This training program provides information on curriculum, classroom management techniques, school safety, and district and building operations.
- Special Education Training for unlicensed personnel. A school district will provide training that is appropriate to the nature of the person’s special education-related responsibilities.
- Erin’s Law states that school boards must adopt and implement a policy addressing sexual abuse of children that may include training for school personnel on warning signs that a child may be a victim of sexual abuse.

How do I contact the IL State Board of Education (ISBE)?
Contact the Illinois State Board of Education
100 North First Street
Springfield, IL 62777
(217) 782-4321

Disclaimer: Please ensure the information and courses meet requirements for your school and circumstances and align with what your state Department of Education requires. The new continuing education information and school PD requirements in Illinois listed on this page are current as of May 17th, 2023 to meet the best information available. State professional development requirements and may change and it is your responsibility as a school administrator to know your state staff development requirements and the process for submission and approval of all professional and staff development hours. Professional Learning Board can not guarantee acceptance by your school, district, state Department of Education or local authority.