School PD Requirements in Arkansas
What professional development requirements does a school in Arkansas need to meet?
School districts must provide at least six PD days in the basic contract for educators.
Here are some of the required annual PD for Arkansas schools and school districts:

- A school district shall provide antibullying policy training to all public school district employees responsible for reporting or investigating bullying. (AR Code § 6-18-514)
- School districts must provide 30 minutes of human trafficking PD to licensed personnel.
- Sexual harassment policy review
- Smart Core Curriculum Policy Review
• Fire Safety (School Fire Marshall Program) §6-10-110
• Tornado Safety §6-10-121
• Emergency Plans for Terrorist Attacks §6-15-1302
• Annual Intruder Drills §6-15-1303
Here are some of the scheduled rotation PD for Arkansas schools:
- Teen Suicide Awareness and Prevention training for all certified licensed personnel; two hours in 2019-2020 and every fourth year afterwards. This training may be self-review of approved materials.

- Child Maltreatment/Mandated Reporter training for mandated reporters and licensed personnel; up to two hours in 2017-2018 and every fourth year afterwards.
- Parental Involvement PD for administrators and teachers; two hours in 2018-2019 and every fourth year afterwards.
- Arkansas History PD for all teachers who teach AR History; two hours in 2016-2017 and every fourth year afterwards.
How can Arkansas school leadership implement professional learning?
Each school district and school must develop and implement a professional development plan and maintain all documents which reflect completion of professional development programs, whether such programs were provided by an outside organization or by the district itself. ConnectedPD includes automated tracking and reporting.
What are the Professional Learning Standards in AR?
ConnectedPD online PD courses are designed to align with Arkansas’ Professional Learning Standards.
According to the Arkansas Department of Education Rules Governing Professional Development, the purpose of professional development is to improve knowledge and skills in order to facilitate individual, team, school-wide, and district-wide improvement designed to ensure that all students demonstrate proficiency on the state academic
Professional development is a set of coordinated planned learning activities for
educators that:
- Improves the knowledge, skills, and effectiveness of teachers, including the ability to apply what is learned.
- Improves the knowledge and skills of administrators and paraprofessionals concerning effective instructional strategies, methods, and skills, including the ability to apply what is learned.
- Leads to improved student academic achievement.
- Is research-based and standards-based.
- May incorporate educational technology as a component of the PD, including without limitation taking or teaching an online or blended course.
- May provide educators with knowledge and skills needed to teach:
-Students with intellectual disabilities, including Autism Spectrum Disorder.
-Students with specific learning disorders, including dyslexia.
–Culturally and linguistically diverse students.
–Gifted students.

How do I contact the AR Division of Elementary & Secondary Education?
Contact the Arkansas Department of Education
Four Capitol Mall, Little Rock, AR 72201
(501) 682-4475

Disclaimer: Please ensure the information and courses meet requirements for your school and circumstances and align with what your state Department of Education requires. The new continuing education information and school PD requirements in Arkansas listed on this page are current as of April 27th, 2023 to meet the best information available. State professional development requirements and may change and it is your responsibility as a school administrator to know your state staff development requirements and the process for submission and approval of all professional and staff development hours. Professional Learning Board can not guarantee acceptance by your school, district, state Department of Education or local authority.