School PD Requirements in New Jersey
What professional development requirements does a school in New Jersey need to meet?
The following topics are required staff development for NJ schools:
- Reading Disabilities PD: 2 hour annually on screening, intervention, accommodation, and use of technology for students with reading disabilities, including dyslexia.

- Suicide Prevention PD: All teaching staff members must attend 2 hour of suicide prevention PD every 5 years. While this is not an annual requirement for all teaching staff members, the district must ensure that it is made available annually to those who have not completed the requirement (e.g., new staff, staff who were absent during the last session).

- Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying PD: Annual Training on the District Bullying Policy is required for public school teachers, school employees, volunteers with student contact, and contracted service providers. Training on bullying prevention is required for 2 hours every 5 years.
- Potentially Missing/Abused Children Reporting: Training on procedures for the early detection of missing, abused, or neglected children through notification of, reporting to, and cooperation with the appropriate law enforcement and child welfare authorities for employees, volunteers, and interns.
- Educator Evaluation PD: Training on the district’s evaluation rubrics, policy, and procedures and any relevant educator practice instrument. Teachers new to the district require more thorough training.
- Ethics, Law, Governance, Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying: A school leader shall complete training on issues of school ethics, school law, and school governance as part of the professional development for school leaders required pursuant to State Board of Education regulations. Information on the prevention of harassment, intimidation, and bullying shall also be included in the training.
- Bilingual Education In-service Training: District boards of education must develop a plan for in-service training for bilingual, ESL, and mainstream teachers; administrators who supervise bilingual/ESL programs; and administrators and any personnel who observe and evaluate teachers of ELLs. The plan must include instructional strategies to help ELLs meet the CCCS and the WIDA English language development standards.
- Equity and Affirmative Action: District boards of education must provide training for all school personnel on a continuing basis to identify and resolve problems associated with the student achievement gap and other inequities arising from prejudice on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, ancestry, age, marital status, affectional or sexual orientation, gender, religion, disability or socioeconomic status.
- Special Education Training: A district receiving IDEA assistance must plan in-service training for professional and paraprofessional staff who provide special education, general education or related services; insure that the in-service training is integrated to the maximum extent possible with other professional development activities; and provide for joint training activities of parents and special education, related services and general education personnel.
- Teacher Mentor Training: Mentors working with novice provisional teachers as part of the district mentoring program must complete a comprehensive mentor training program that includes, at a minimum, training program with a curriculum that includes, at a minimum, training on the school district’s teaching evaluation rubric and practice instrument, Professional Standards for Teachers, CCCS, classroom observation skills, facilitating adult learning, and leading reflective conversations about teaching practice.
More information can be found on this chart.

How do I contact the NJ Department of Education?
Contact the New Jersey Department of Education
PO Box 500
Trenton, NJ 08625-0500
(609) 376-3500

Disclaimer: Please ensure the information and courses meet requirements for your school and circumstances and align with what your state Department of Education requires. The new continuing education information and school PD requirements in New Jersey listed on this page are current as of September 6th, 2023 to meet the best information available. State professional development requirements and may change and it is your responsibility as a school administrator to know your state staff development requirements and the process for submission and approval of all professional and staff development hours. Professional Learning Board can not guarantee acceptance by your school, district, state Department of Education or local authority.