School PD Requirements in Nebraska
What professional development requirements does a school in Nebraska need to meet?
According to the Nebraska Revised Statute 79-2,146, beginning in the 2023-24 school year, all public school employees who interact with students and any other appropriate personnel, must receive at least one hour of behavioral and mental health training with a focus on suicide awareness and prevention training each year.

Such training may include:
- Identification of early warning signs and symptoms of behavioral and mental health issues in students, appropriate and effective responses for educators to student behavioral and mental health issues
- Trauma-informed care and procedures for making students and parents and guardians aware of services and supports for behavioral and mental health issues.

Training and instruction for bullying prevention and intervention of all administrators, certified staff, support staff and ancillary groups should include developing awareness, skill-building, and monitoring progress to effectively prevent and/or intervene in bullying behaviors and encourage pro-social behaviors. The staff development plan should additionally provide for training of staff or others who would be in need of the information. The staff development plan should additionally provide for training of new staff or others who would be in need of the information.

How do I contact the NE Department of Education?
Contact the Nebraska Department of Education
P.O. Box 94987
Lincoln, NE 68509-4987

Disclaimer: Please ensure the information and courses meet requirements for your school and circumstances and align with what your state Department of Education requires. The new continuing education information and school PD requirements in Nebraska listed on this page are current as of October 24th, 2023 to meet the best information available. State professional development requirements and may change and it is your responsibility as a school administrator to know your state staff development requirements and the process for submission and approval of all professional and staff development hours. Professional Learning Board can not guarantee acceptance by your school, district, state Department of Education or local authority.