Grant Writing (5 Hours)

Grant Writing (5 Hours)

Every teacher dreams of an ideal world where the lack of funds or access to resources would not get in the way of sparking creativity, sharpening talent and widening horizons in education. Grant writing, as a craft, is a step closer to achieving that dream. What can seem to be a complex set of processes, is a learnable skill, that can help teachers address both long-term and short-term goals.

This online PD course presents a context that makes grant writing an essential skill while detailing the components of a grant application and the process of writing including assessing needs, developing an idea, writing a compelling statement, defining clear goals and objectives, developing a course of action and an evaluation plan, and drafting budget proposals.

This online course for teachers offers a look at some winning grant proposals to help teachers understand what a good proposal contains. Besides presenting principles, the class allows time for reflection, brainstorming and writing, to help teachers as they go through each section.

  • Start ANY Time
  • All ONLINE 24x7
  • Complete ANY Time Over 1 Year
  • Each Teacher Receives a Certificate of Completion

  • I learned information about grant writing that I did not know. This information will help me in the future.
    Patricia F.
  • Thank you for this course. I work at a private school which receives no government funding. This course gives me hope that it is possible to increase technology and student learning opportunities without raising tuition.
    Rebecca M.
  • WOW!!! I learned so much about the process of grant writing through this course. I am no longer afraid to take on and tackle grant writing and am ready to start the whole process in order to better serve the needs of my Special Education students. Thank you for offering this course.
    Randi S.
  • This grant writing course was very applicable, as I wrote a grant while taking the course. It tied all aspects into learning and attempting my own grant writing PERFECTLY! Thank you.
    Jennifer E.
  • Loved this course. It is extremely thorough and informative. I highly recommend it to anyone interested in grant writing.
    Marie A.
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$39 for each Teacher
1 Year Access

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