Building School-wide Initiatives (5 Hours)

All schools want their students to succeed, but they can only make a lasting difference when they focus on specific goals and strategies for change. School improvement planning is a process through which schools set goals for improvement, and make decisions about how and when these goals will be achieved. The ultimate objective of the process is to improve student achievement levels by enhancing the way curriculum is delivered, creating a positive environment for learning, and increasing the degree to which parents are involved in their children’s learning at school and in the home.
To address these needs, this online PD course focuses on using school-wide Initiatives to enhance student achievement across the curriculum. Such initiatives target academics, behavior, and any other area that might be lacking. Teachers are equipped to plan and implement such initiatives in an organized, focused, and inclusive way. The resources and strategies here empower them to raise levels of achievement by identifying the gaps, defining focus, creating effective strategies, building an environment that encourages reform, working in tandem with parents and students, and monitoring the desired change.
- Start ANY Time
- All ONLINE 24x7
- Complete ANY Time Over 1 Year
- Each Teacher Receives a Certificate of Completion
Michael C.
Stephanie M.