Assessment Strategies (5 Hours)

Assessments are not confined to year end tests and grades. They are meant to be a part of daily teaching and learning. Good assessments are powerful – they may be used to change the way teachers teach, students learn and sometimes even what is to be taught. Assessment Strategies is an online course that will help teachers design an assessment process that will provide a reliable and valid evaluation of their students.
The course also provides information on how the assessment process may be aligned to standards. Strategies for assessing Reading and Math skills are explored in detail. Assessments may be seen as an opportunity for teacher professional development. From updating teaching strategies to modifying curriculum to tailoring instruction, assessments may be used to enable both teachers and students to stay on course to achieve their goals.
- Start ANY Time
- All ONLINE 24x7
- Complete ANY Time Over 1 Year
- Each Teacher Receives a Certificate of Completion
Devondra B.
Melissa V.
Karen R.
Jodi S.