Accommodations through UDL (5 Hours)

Accommodations through UDL (5 Hours)

Teaching each and every student effectively is never easy. It is next to impossible to find a classroom full of students with the same needs, learning levels and abilities.

Teachers are faced with the challenge of teaching a diverse group the same lesson and ensuring that they all learn in the process. It can be easy to settle for teaching some, or even most of the students, while leaving out a portion of the class in the process.

This course is designed to present teachers with the Universal Design of Learning (UDL) framework, which makes teaching ALL students a very real possibility. The framework builds on research findings that show how a single teaching approach has very limited results on student learning, highlighting the need for a new curricular approach.

Here a learner’s level of recognition, strategic, and affective networks are all taken into account to determine the best way to teach them. The course is centered around exploring practical strategies that can be used to add a much-needed element of flexibility in teaching presentation, student expression, and meaningful engagement and upholding learning as the primary focus.

  • Start ANY Time
  • All ONLINE 24x7
  • Complete ANY Time Over 1 Year
  • Each Teacher Receives a Certificate of Completion

  • Content was informative and easy to comprehend.
    Syeda S.
  • This course was well organized and flowed smoothly -- included good teaching resources.
    Pamela L.
  • This course was very helpful in demonstrating the need for change in the traditional classroom. Localities need to ensure they are providing support to teachers who are near retirement & may not be aware of the approaches discussed in this course. Thank you!
    Tara M.
  • Interesting concept with a wide range of examples.
    Tina B.
  • Practical, helpful content - thank you!
    Andrea K.
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$39 for each Teacher
1 Year Access

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