Ethics & Safety

  • Keeping Kids Safe (1 Hour)
    Children are vulnerable. We need to do what we can to protect them from abuse, trafficking and other forms of child maltreatment that are very real and present around us. Keeping Kids Safe is a short introduction to child safety that helps us understand why children trust their abusers, and what we can do to prevent that. It will help us train our eyes to see child maltreatment around us, and create environments where children are safe. In addition, this short course has a special focus on trafficking, one of the types of child maltreatment that is most frequently misunderstood.
    $10 for each Teacher
    1 Year Access
  • Action Research for School Improvement (5 Hours)
    This course is designed to equip teachers to initiate action research for potential areas of improvement in a classroom or at the school level. Through this course, teachers will be able to learn how to go about each step of the action research process from selecting the area of focus, gathering and interpreting data, setting up an action plan, and finally presenting the findings in order to help others.
    $39 for each Teacher
    1 Year Access
  • Bullying: Prevention and Policies for Schools (5 Hours)
    The goal of this course is to help teachers understand the different aspects of bullying and to provide recommended strategies and techniques to deal with both victims and bullies.
    $39 for each Teacher
    1 Year Access
  • Child Abuse Prevention (5 Hours)
    Teachers will be introduced to the basics and fundamental facts of child abuse and neglect, its types, indicators and risk factors. The course primarily aims at educating teachers on the abuse, its legal implications and the legislative statutes addressing them in their role as mandatory reporters.
    $39 for each Teacher
    1 Year Access
  • Ethical Conduct in Education (5 Hours)
    Ethics may seem like an abstract concept, and yet it’s practical, relevant and a critical part of a teacher’s professional life. Explore how you can grow in ethics in the areas of academic excellence, boundaries and academic integrity. From protocols for social media, reporting abuse, transference and plagiarism, this course explores issues where ethics and education meet. It is full of practical strategies, resources and guidelines for teachers to reflect on and implement in their particular teaching situations.
    $39 for each Teacher
    1 Year Access
  • Ethical Decision Making (5 Hours)
    Making ethical decisions in the classroom can be challenging and strenuous. It is not always easy to determine what is right or wrong, especially since ethics and morality are based on more than what is socially acceptable or personally preferred. This Ethical Decision Making course includes a consistent framework for educators to use for determining the best ethical decision. By following the process for making ethical decisions, teachers have guidance and structure even when a matter seems conflicting.
    $39 for each Teacher
    1 Year Access
  • Ethics for Education Professionals (5 Hours)
    Bring and maintain high standards of ethics into our schools. Includes a variety of topics to explore practical ways of addressing ethical decisions in our lives.
    $39 for each Teacher
    1 Year Access
  • Internet Safety in a Connected World (5 Hours)
    There are multiple ways in which we are responsible for protecting children. Today’s online world magnifies those opportunities as well as complicates them in ways in which we must be aware. The goal of this course is to increase your awareness of how students today are using technology, as well as helping you understand the risks of the online world. Teachers will be equipped with strategies and ideas to talk about internet safety to students in their classrooms.
    $39 for each Teacher
    1 Year Access

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