Why ConnectedPD
For schools that really support teachers, good isn’t good enough.
When your school cares about quality staff development, you know what it takes: best practices.
Enter ConnectedPD.
With Professional Learning Board, schools and districts have access to an entire course catalog of 100% online, self-study PD classes.

Typical Staff Development
Best Practices with ConnectedPD
All staff members take the same PD
One size does not fit all. -
Teachers miss class for staff development
And students miss out on learning! -
Superficial learning
Are the teachers listening or are their eyes just glazed over? -
Waiting for PD reports
When you need meaningful data, you need it ASAP! -
Bringing in expensive in-person experts
What else could you use that money for? -
No tech support
Do you have time to reset everyone's password? -
Teachers skip PD
Without best practices, loopholes to push off PD will be found! . -
Staff development only discusses pedagogy
What about ethics, mental health, and abuse prevention? -
Teachers need to calculate PD hours
English teachers may not excel at math.... -
Too much time is wasted with in-person staff development
How about collaboration, instead of learning the basics? -
Avoids state-required training
How can your school meet state requirements? -
Forces teachers to pay for their own license renewal PD
Support teachers with school-sponsored PD. -
Materials only offered once
Shouldn't teachers be able to access on going job-embedded resources in real-time as they need it?
Assign each teacher online PD that is aligned with their Professional Development Plan
Teachers take online self-study PD at their convenience
Educators must pass a quiz in order to earn a Certificate of Completion
At-a-glance compliance dashboard and PD reports in minutes, not months!
ConnectedPD’s experienced educators deliver research-based teaching strategies in every online class
Phone, email, and live chat tech support
Robust tracking and reporting ensures that every teacher is on track
Online PD courses for every topic
ConnectedPD includes a PD Tracker for teachers
Schools can FLIP their PD
Includes online PD that aligns with many state requirements
Includes online continuing education that many teachers can use for certificate renewal
Teachers are given one year access to every online PD class